Friday, April 15, 2016

It's up to you....

Rough Morning

I had an early morning appointment today.  Across the city.  Which means getting up earlier than normal.

I had also been working on some business opportunities late last night, so I was up later than expected.

I've had a bad cold for about a week now, and back spasms for the same amount of time from moving literally a ton of bricks.

I'm exhausted, in considerable pain, congested and really kind of gross.

So the day could have been a write-off.

You Decide

But, fortunately, you get to choose your attitude.  You get to choose how you feel about your day.  You get to choose what your life is like.

So choose happy.  Choose to enjoy life.  Choose to look at things in a positive light.

Have a great day.  I'm going to.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

What is that one thing you need to get done today?

Life can be a struggle at times.  Everyone has things that they have to deal with - a personal illness, job loss, credit or debt problems, a sick family member.  Life can be overwhelming, and beat you down, and make you feel like you're not going to go anywhere, at any time.

It doesn't have to be a tragedy or bad situation that has you stuck either.  Your life can seem to be going well, but you're just stuck in neutral, and not making the progress that you want.

Everybody has goals.  If you don't have them written down, you're missing something, but you've got goals - short, medium, and long term.

Some goals are financial, or personal, and are about moving you forward:

  • Get a new job
  • Buy a nice car
  • Get a bigger house
  • Start your own business

Some goals are more about just making it through the day

  • Make it to work on time
  • Visit a sick parent
  • Get out of bed
So what's your goal for today?

The problem with a lot of goals is that we have no idea on where to start.  Life can be a mountain of not enough time, and too much pain, and it's hard to climb that mountain every day.  You can feel overwhelmed.  So you don't do anything.  And you don't get anywhere, and you don't make progress, and the mountain never moves.

So move the mountain.

The phrase we hear all the time is "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time".  Same thing with goals.  How do you move your mountain?  One thing at a time.

So right now, I want you to pick your goal for the day.  And it doesn't have to be big - it just has to get you moving.  If your goal is to get the basement organized, make today's goal to fill one garbage bag, or to haul 5 things up to the garbage, or to clean 10 sq ft.  And then go do it.  It's a little thing, but it gets you started.

Want to learn to code?  Today make sure you read two websites and do 2 tutorials.

Want to get a college education?  Today pick two colleges and find out what they need to admit someone in your particular situation.  That will give you your next goals.

Then the key thing is, go do it again tomorrow.  And the next day.  And the next day.  And don't stop.  Do little things that get you towards your goals every day.  Five years from now you're going to be five years older.  Are you going to have moved towards what you really want in life?

So pick something right now, then go do it, today.
